"With taste, elegance, and appetites that match the male original, Tillman Gilson introduces 'Jane Bond' to the intelligence and literary world with panache and brazen sensuality -- a spoof on a spoof that works. Bravo."

-Robert C. McFarlane, National Security Advisor to President Ronald Reagan


Terrorism in the Middle East takes on many forms and many manifestations.  The groups that carry out acts of terrorism in the Middle East come from multiple countries and can either be Sunni or Shia.  Originally the most well know group which committed terrorism in the Middle East according to the US State Department was the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) which was fighting for the independence of Palestine from Israel.  Today the most well know group for terrorism in the Middle East is Al Qaeda which is headed by Osama Bin Laden.  Both of these groups are Suni based.  The Shia have their own terrorists groups most notable is Hezbollah in Lebanon which has been waging war against the Sunnis and Christians in Lebanon for years and is backed by Iran.

Terrorism in the Middle East is one of the major foreign policy issues that face many administrations in the US.  There are several causes of terrorism in the Middle East and no easy cure.  Although fighting Al Qaeda may solve some of the terrorism in the Middle East issues, there are still Lebanon, Palestine, and Iran where terrorists groups flourish.  Alex Garfield deals with terrorists in The Very Secret Weapon when they try to poison the water system in Washington DC.

Interested in terrorism in the Middle East and other terrorist groups? Get your copy of The Very Secret Weapon today!